As we here at b a u embarked on our endeavor of shaking things up and out, and trying to present an art venue that is fresh, and immediate, we knew from the start that we wanted to do the same with our web presence. By using a blog, (which is what this site is) we are able to very easily keep our information updated as easily as possible, on our own.
There are several artblogs on the net that offer quite interesting reporting on art events and affairs, as well as offering individual artist's insights into their process.
Our blog has just been added to a "blog aggregator" at A blog aggregator immediately lists all of the postings of listed blogs as they are published. This also means that our information is disseminated a little more widely, and we are grateful for that.
If you are so inclined, I suggest taking sometime to review some of the offerings in these blogs, they can be informative, and entertaining.
As for b a u, we have many things planned in the coming months both in the space, for the website, and beyond. Stay tuned for upcoming events.....And, actually, the next event is scheduled for this coming Saturday, Feb 19th. A presentation given by b a u 2 artist, Bo Gehring. Bo will be discussing his work, his process in creating his Virtual Sculptures, and the use of new technologies in the creation of contemporary artwork.